Hello, guys...! =D
Feewww~, just done my assignments, ran to my lappy to update this before I forgot the main topic...
Have you guys seen 1 of my recent status on Facebook regarding "dream"...?
It sound, "Somehow, dreams ARE better than reality..."

Okay, here's the deal...
People might thought I got something wrong somewhere in my mind or whatsoever, but hey, I'm still mentally healthy alrite, haha.
I wrote it, because I do think that DREAMS ARE BETTER THAN REALITY in some ways...
Here's a short dialogue I would like to share with...
"Aku rasa mimpi lebih indah dari realiti..."
"Kenapa pula awak rasa begitu...?"
"Dunia ini penuh dengan penipuan & khayalan... Kadang-kala, tatkala aku bermimpi, aku rasa seperti aku berada di dunia sebenarku..."
"Aku rasa awak ni ada yang tak betul ni, awak demam ke...?"
There, people DO thought "us" were idiots or some crazy asses...
The main point is;
In our dream, we felt something that we never expected to feel before...
In our dream, we touched something that we never expected to touch before...
In our dream, we listened something that we never expected to listen before...
... and...
In the dream, we'll see someone that we wanted or never expect to see for a long time;
someone we admired,
someone we liked,
and even...
someone we loved,
either at past or present...
It's like when you missed someone a lot, you wanted to see him/her very badly but you couldn't...!
How sad is that...?
But if you're lucky, when you fall asleep and you started to dream, you'll see him/her in your dream...
Looking at you, or even talk to you...
Isn't that a wonderful moment even though it's just a dream...?
At least it cured you up a bit from your sadness & desperation, rite...?
Coz you know, that wouldn't be happening in reality, so why not just dream about it, rite...?

Okay, I won't talk about this crap without reasons, alrite..?
Well, I have to admit it & I know it's wrong, but yeah, missing someone, everybody does, rite..?
I've lost a lot of people I loved & I don't have to mention who they are, all I can say is they're once very important to me...
They left me because God loved them more that I do, so He took them away from me...
They left me because I was still a "kid", I know nothing about love...
and yeah, SOMEHOW I just can't stop thinking of them, you too, rite...?
DON'T LIE, I'm a normal human being too, I understand too...
But do remember 1 thing, guys... When you really missed your ex girlfriend/boyfriend, don't forget about people around you who loved you more than they do (I mean your ex..)
Don't hurt them just because of your bitter past, think positively, what past is past, keep moving on...

Feewww~, just done my assignments, ran to my lappy to update this before I forgot the main topic...
Have you guys seen 1 of my recent status on Facebook regarding "dream"...?
It sound, "Somehow, dreams ARE better than reality..."

Okay, here's the deal...
People might thought I got something wrong somewhere in my mind or whatsoever, but hey, I'm still mentally healthy alrite, haha.
I wrote it, because I do think that DREAMS ARE BETTER THAN REALITY in some ways...
Here's a short dialogue I would like to share with...
"Aku rasa mimpi lebih indah dari realiti..."
"Kenapa pula awak rasa begitu...?"
"Dunia ini penuh dengan penipuan & khayalan... Kadang-kala, tatkala aku bermimpi, aku rasa seperti aku berada di dunia sebenarku..."
"Aku rasa awak ni ada yang tak betul ni, awak demam ke...?"
There, people DO thought "us" were idiots or some crazy asses...
The main point is;
In our dream, we felt something that we never expected to feel before...
In our dream, we touched something that we never expected to touch before...
In our dream, we listened something that we never expected to listen before...
... and...
In the dream, we'll see someone that we wanted or never expect to see for a long time;
someone we admired,
someone we liked,
and even...
someone we loved,
either at past or present...
It's like when you missed someone a lot, you wanted to see him/her very badly but you couldn't...!
How sad is that...?
But if you're lucky, when you fall asleep and you started to dream, you'll see him/her in your dream...
Looking at you, or even talk to you...
Isn't that a wonderful moment even though it's just a dream...?
At least it cured you up a bit from your sadness & desperation, rite...?
Coz you know, that wouldn't be happening in reality, so why not just dream about it, rite...?

Okay, I won't talk about this crap without reasons, alrite..?
Well, I have to admit it & I know it's wrong, but yeah, missing someone, everybody does, rite..?
I've lost a lot of people I loved & I don't have to mention who they are, all I can say is they're once very important to me...
They left me because God loved them more that I do, so He took them away from me...
They left me because I was still a "kid", I know nothing about love...
and yeah, SOMEHOW I just can't stop thinking of them, you too, rite...?
DON'T LIE, I'm a normal human being too, I understand too...
But do remember 1 thing, guys... When you really missed your ex girlfriend/boyfriend, don't forget about people around you who loved you more than they do (I mean your ex..)
Don't hurt them just because of your bitter past, think positively, what past is past, keep moving on...

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