Thursday, 7 May 2015

... if I die...?

I was the root cause of everything...
... so if I die...?
Will it make things better...?

... can you give me the answer...?
It's been 8 years since dad is gone...
Things get worsened day by day ever since...

... I thought I could make a different...
I never thought I'd make it even worse.
So let me ask....?
If I die.... will it change things...?
Will it make things better...?
If it does.....

Should I say "thanks... and goodbye..."?

Thursday, 26 February 2015

In Loving Memories; Grandpa (A Tribute For You)

He was borned on 10th May 1936.
His origin was from Uma Apan Long Mejawah.
Some people, I mean, most wouldn't know the existence of this place.
So here's a quick brief...
Located at the heart of Sarawak.
Situated just few miles away from Malaysia's biggest hydroelectric dam;
Bakun Hydroelectric Dam

Stood for decades by Malaysia's longest river;
Rajang River

Miles upstream and you'll see the dam.

Just a relative with his daily routine, fish netting.

A river, that has been their source of incomes...
Source of reliance.
... for decades...
A river, that once devoured the whole village.
They stood still; even rebuilt the village.


This man...
It's an old photo, I got it scanned. The picture is badly stained... The red marks on his face are just inks. Buildings behind are no longer exist after the heavy flood in the early 90's.

Was no one but a farmer.
Once a pilot for an express boat that carries people all the way from Kapit to Bakun.
Once nearly took his life away for the boat burned in an accident.
His life, was nearly taken twice, by the flood and the fire... (that's as far as I knew, he never spoke much)
He then married to a woman from Uma Nyaving Long Mejawah.
Another native village, just few steps away from Uma Apan.
He then moved out and stayed with his beloved wife, here in Uma Nyaving.
... and this house is built...

May not be beautiful, but it kept two souls warm and happy.

Their turf that I promised to make a fish pond on it.

They don't have electricity, and the generator doesn't always work. These, kept them brightened.

Was known to be a very... very strong-hearted... strong-willed man...
He never forget about those people in Uma Apan, and yet contributed dearly for Uma Nyaving.

Ever heard of World Wresting Federation (WWF)...?
It is known as World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) now.
He was a freaking fanatic fan of it.
Until he was known as, the Hogan.
Yes, he loves Hulk Hogan.
They named him that, after his attitude.
... and he loves it...

Was a huge fan of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad as well.
He told me, he shook hand with him when Tun visited the village.
Thus becoming his fan, and each time Tun appeared on TV, he be like:
"Oh look, it's Mahathir..."
... with a smile on his face.
Having no idea that he is replaced by three Prime Ministers already.
For him, Mahathir is always the best.

Was a very happy man.
He may not be able to read though he likes to flip the newspapers, but I tell you one thing...
He played badminton well!
He can make services through the gaps of his legs.
He returned every hits accurately.
His only weakness was his stamina.
... but how many grandparents out there that could play badminton as he's still mid 30's... at the age of 60's?

He was well-loved by everyone.
... everyone...

When grandma parted on 2009.
That was the first time I saw him shed his tears.
The tears from a man who never knew the meaning of physical pain.
Did I mentioned he survived a burned boat accident...?
Yes I did.
He still have those scars all over his arm and body.
Yet, no pain gives more pain than losing someone you promised to spend the whole life with.
I swear...
He cried his heart out. He said:
"Dear love... why'd you leave me...? Who am I worth working hard for now..."

Lived alone, ever since.
Working on his farms.
Harvesting his crops.
Maintaining the house he was left with.
He stayed, loyally, here in Uma Nyaving.
Refused to go back Uma Apan...

He then suffered various illnesses.
From gout, to dengue;
From high blood pressure, to the latest;
He... never stopped praying. This sight... is from where I'm sitting. How hurtful it is to see him in this pose almost everyday...? He was then sent to the hospital, just few days after this picture is taken.

He... fought hard... real hard to survive.

That slowly "breaks" his bones.
Weakening his body parts, until a point where he was unable to lift his own body.
... not to mention walking...
His lungs then got infected.
His heart getting weaker.
He losses his appetite to eat.
He losses the senses that he didn't even know he pooped his pants.
He... was literally, broke down to pieces...

I never knew, that day was the last time I'd carry him to the shower.
Bathed his entire body, foamed him, rubbed him.
Carrying him was a real challenge.
I regretted I sighed a lot.
Well, that's because I was too weak to carry such weight alone.
If I knew he would part this soon, I'd bath him everyday.
I'd carry him though it'll break my spine.
I'd abandon everyone around me just to stay with him.
Spending every last bits of his time, staying with him.

Dear grandpa,
... you left too soon...
Too soon that you haven't had the chance to sit on my future car.
For me to carry you until Sabah.
I'd love to let you see the sea view from there.
You never stepped outside Sarawak.
You've seen every child of my siblings, but not mine...
They didn't managed to see their Hulk Hogan.
Didn't managed to see your scars.
At least, that'll motivate them like you motivated me.
Too soon, grandpa...
Too soon...

Well, at least...
Your suffering ended.
How pitiful you were, grandpa...
I'm glad you're finally with God.
In a better place, watching over us...
Do watch us.

He parted,
... just a day after my birthday...
Just a few hours after my birthday...
It's a date to remember.
12th February 2015

Carrying his cradle was a real challenge as well. Crossing the river, climbing a slippery hill just to reach his spot. We managed to reach the spot without slipping though. God have mercy on us all...

Lid is closed. His belongings are all placed here with him.

"Dear love... please take me with you. End my suffering..."
Was the last sentence he said, before he was admitted into the hospital, he parted a week after...

We... missed you already.
May your soul rest in peace alongside of grandma and dad.
With God's blessing.
I love you...
We love you...
For eternity...

This house, will be left.
... but I promise, we'll come here often to maintain it for you.
I promise I'll make it a better home for your grandchildren to see.
I'll bring them here.
By then, I could've brought in electricity.
television, Astro, fridge, air-conditioner, water-filter
and perhaps,
a fish pond by your house side...

You'll see, grandpa...
You'll see...

You, who have gone, but shall not be forgotten...



"Dear Father, who art in heaven;
Holy be Your name;
Your kingdom come;
You will be done on Earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread;
Forgive us today for our sins,
As we forgive those who sins against us.
Do not bring us to the test;
But deliver us from evil.

“Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

Beloved grandpa, a father and a lover
David Mering Anyie
10/5/1936 - 12/2/2015


A Glimpse of My Village
Used to be crowded, full of children. As years passed by, it became empty. People started to move out for living.

Neighbours are all but bunch of relatives, blood family.

The only kindergarten and it's still operative.

Going down straight to the river. It's nearly 16 degree Celcius around here in the morning.

Along these trees, underneath them, lies the fractures of the building after the heavy flood. They rebuilt the village on higher ground.

Grandpa's hut and his land.

"Buah pinang" and the cutter or what we called as "Katik". Took me nearly 15 mins just to strip one cleanly.

For you grandpa, I shall be happy. I'll take over the family from now on. Watch me...